2 Proportional Coils
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2 Proportional Coils
Wide Range of Analog Input Signals
This power amplifier drives either single or dual solenoid proportional valve coils up to 2 .6A . It is suitable to control current to proportional directional, flow or pressure valve coils.
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2 Proportional Coils
The VRG ramp generator commands progressively a proportional actuator, both in acceleration and deceleration, from a digital command (on/off) or a push-button command. VRG is available with three types of output:
- PWM A+B (to command directly solenoid valves).
- Analogue signal (eg: 0÷5V÷10V or 0.5÷2.5V÷4.5V or 0÷10V on both sides and directional on/off).
- Ratiometric signal (for Danfoss modules).
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2 Proportional Coils
Microprocessor-based PWM electronic driver for the control of a single or double-acting proportional function by means of CANbus or analogue voltage signal. Any complex logic function is available thanks to the integrated microcontroller.
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2 Proportional Coils
The VPUD-M electronic regulator is designed to command two proportional solenoids with one reference signal. Solenoids are controlled (PWM) with feedback signal so that linearity between output current and input signal is guaranteed and working is independent from external elements (supply voltage, temperature, etc.).
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2 Proportional Coils
230409138 (EC-PWM-A2-MPC1-H)
PWM Driver
Microprocessor-based PWM electronic driver for remote control of a dual-coil proportional solenoid valve.
The EC-PWM-A2-MPC1 proportional valve driver supplies a double solenoid with a PWM (Pulse Width Modulated) current proportional to the input signal from a potentiometer, PLC or other control systems.
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