
Proportional Valve Controller

  • Supply voltage: 12 – 30 VDC
  • Output current: up to 2A
  • Minimum current: 0 – 0,6 A
  • Max current deviation in temperature range: 3%
  • PWM frequency: 100 – 500 Hz
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  • Coil rating must be matched with supply voltage: Rcoil<(Vsupply-1,5V) / Imax
  • Control input signal options: 5KΩ external potentiometer (accepts 2KΩ to 10KΩ), or 0-10 VDC signal) (see connection diagram)
  • Ramp up / ramp down: 0,1 to 10 sec (Ramp setting indipendent from current range)
  • Operating conditions: -20 TO +70°C
  • Environmental protection: IP65
  • Connector type: DIN 43650 – ISO 4400



SUPPLY: led is on when current is supplied
OFFSET: to be used to set minimum current value (I min), turn clockwise to increase setting
RAMP UP: to be used to set the ramp time from minimum (I min) to maximum current value (I max)
RAMP DOWN: to be used to set the ramp time from maximum (I max) to minimum current value (I min)
FULL LOAD CURRENT:to be used to set maximum current value (I max), turn clockwise to increase setting
FREQ. ADJ.: this trimmer is inside the controller and is preset by factory, to be used to modify the PWM frequency



Enquiry Form
EL000001 Series – Technical Data Sheet
EL000001 Series – Price List