
VPP2 electronic regulator is designed for single solenoid proportional valve open loop control. Current regulation potentiometer is connected and assembled yet on electronic regulator. Current range (offset and gain), ramps times and PWM frequency can be modified through trimming potentiometer (placed on the back side of card) to meet different kind of valves  specifications. VPP2 is protected against supply over tension and polarity inversion.

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Technical Specifications
Supply voltage (Vsup) 10.5 ÷ 30 VDC
Panel potentiometer 5KOhm – 330°
Max output current 2.5 A
Max current gap (Imax – Imin) 1.5 A
Max power 75 W
Ramp time adjustment .0.1 ÷ 10 sec
Indirect current measure: 1V = 1A
PWM frequency 120 Hz(adjustable from 50 to 330Hz)
Working temperature  -10°C÷+60°C
Weight 250 g
Back panel dimensions 85x47x86mm
Max panel thickness 10mm
Potentiometer protection degree IP64


Accessories and Spare Parts

Stock No. Description
PPRG2R PRG2 Programming Keyboard for on sight fine tuning


PVPP2 – Technical Data Sheet
PVPP2 – Price List
PRG2R Calibration Instructions – Suits MAP2-MAP3-MAP2L-VPP3-VRG